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Train on Your Own On-premise GPU cluster

You can also build your own cluster and launch jobs there. The GPU nodes in the cluster can be GPU instances launched under your AWS/GCP/Azure account or your in-house GPU devices. The workflow is as follows.

Step 1. Bind the machines on the Platform

Log into the platform, head to the GPU Cloud > GPU Hub > My Servers Page, switch to Private Bound GPU Tab and click the Bind Server button, then copy the fedml login command:

Step 2. SSH into your on-prem devices and do the following individually for each device:

Install the fedml library if not installed already:

pip install fedml

Run the login command copied from the platform:

fedml login 3b24dd2f****206e8669

It should show something similar as below:

(fedml) alay@a6000:~$ fedml login 3b24dd2f****************206e8669 -v dev

Welcome to!
Start to login the current device to the MLOps (

(fedml) alay@a6000:~$ Found existing installation: fedml 0.8.7
Uninstalling fedml-0.8.7:
Successfully uninstalled fedml-0.8.7
Looking in indexes:,
Collecting fedml==0.8.8a156
Obtaining dependency information for fedml==0.8.8a156 from
Downloading (4.8 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.21 in ./.pyenv/versions/fedml/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from fedml==0.8.8a156

Congratulations, your device is connected to the TensorOpera AI platform successfully!
Your FedML Edge ID is 201610, unique device ID is 0xffdc89fad658@Linux.Edge.Device

Head back to the GPU Cloud > GPU Hub > My Servers page on platform and verify that the devices are bounded to the TensorOpera AI Platform:

Step 3. Create a cluster of your servers bounded to the TensorOpera AI Platform:

Navigate to the Model Training > Cluster > Create Clusters page and create a cluster of your servers:

All your created clusters will be listed on the Model Training > Cluster page:

Step 4. Launch the job on your cluster

The way to create the job YAML file is the same as “Training as a Cloud Service”. All that is left to do to launch a job to the on-premise cluster is to run following one-line command:

fedml launch job.yaml -c <cluster_name>

For our example, the command and respective output would be as follows:

fedml launch job.yaml -c hello-world