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Command Line Interfaces (CLIs)

FedML Launch CLI Overview

Launch jobs on the TensorOpera® Launch platform (

❯ fedml launch -h
fedml launch [OPTIONS] YAML_FILE
Launch job at the TensorOpera AI platform

-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-c, --cluster TEXT If a cluster name is specified, you labelled the
searched resource by launch with the cluster name. So
later you can reuse the same cluster resource without
warmup after the first launch. The cluster can be
stopped by CLI: fedml cluster stop, or it would be
automatically stopped after 15-minute idle time.
-k, --api_key TEXT user api key.
-v, --version TEXT version of TensorOpera AI Platform. It should be dev,
test or release. Default is release.

More about the launch CLI can be found here

FedML Cluster CLI Overview

Manage clusters on TensorOpera AI Platform

Usage: fedml cluster [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Manage clusters on TensorOpera AI Platform

-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-k, --api_key TEXT user api key.
-v, --version TEXT specify version of TensorOpera AI Platform. It should
be dev, test or release

kill Kill (tear down) clusters from TensorOpera AI Platform
killall Kill (tear down) ALL clusters from TensorOpera AI Platform
list List clusters from TensorOpera AI Platform
start Start clusters from TensorOpera AI Platform
startall Start ALL clusters from TensorOpera AI Platform
status Status of clusters from TensorOpera AI Platform
stop Stop clusters from TensorOpera AI Platform
stopall Stop ALL clusters from TensorOpera AI Platform

More about the cluster CLI can be found here

FedML Run CLI Overview

Manage runs on the TensorOpera AI Platform

Usage: fedml run [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Manage runs on the TensorOpera AI Platform.

-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-k, --api_key TEXT user api key.
-v, --version TEXT version of TensorOpera AI Platform. It should be dev,
test or release
-pf, --platform TEXT The platform name at the TensorOpera AI Platform
(options: octopus, parrot, spider, beehive, falcon,
launch, default is falcon).

list List runs from the TensorOpera AI Platform.
logs Get logs of run from the TensorOpera AI Platform.
status Get status of run from the TensorOpera AI Platform.
stop Stop a run from the TensorOpera AI Platform.

More about the run CLI can be found here